Framework for Integrated Heating and Cooling Action Plan for Cities

iFOREST organised a side event on “Framework for Integrated Heating and Cooling Action Plan for Cities” at the Forty-sixth Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG46) in Montreal, Canada, on July 11, 2024.
The event focused on addressing the dual challenge of extreme temperatures and rising cooling demand. Several international delegates participated, sharing insights and lessons from different countries. They sparked discussions about identifying evolving needs, developing strategies to overcome implementation hurdles, and discussing the necessity of a global program to support cities.
Assessing the gaps in the current policy set-up, iFOREST released a policy brief proposing a new Integrated Heat and Cooling Action Plan (IHCAP) to address the pressing need to adapt and mitigate extreme heat and provide sustainable and equitable cooling without further warming the urban environment.