Green Economy
The Rio+20 conference of the United Nations (2012) emphasised on green economy as a key component for ensuring sustainable development. The main impetus behind this is to make our growth pathways environmentally and socially responsible, and also to ensure its stability.
Developing a green economy and charting pathways of green growth require governments and businesses to have policies, plans and strategies in place, which must also translate into downstream practices. An essential aspect of this includes improving decision-making processes so that the private and public investments are environmentally and socially sound.
Our programme on the green economy is focussed on strengthening and supporting green growth policies, plans, approaches and technologies, through multi-stakeholder engagement. Using a multi-pronged approach of research, knowledge dissemination and capacity building, we are specifically working on the following components that can foster green growth.
- Improving environmental and social impact assessment (EIA and SIA) policies and practices.
- Improving environmental and social due diligence by the financial sector.
- Benchmarking environmental and social performances of companies so that best practices can be identified and next practices can be encouraged.
- Improving resource efficiency and green procurement practices.